This is featured post 1 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

This is featured post 2 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

This is featured post 3 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

This is featured post 4 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

This is featured post 5 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 With Patch

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Aplikasi untuk membuat banner yang powerfull dan mudah digunakan, silahkan langsung di cek aja aplikasi Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 Full Patch nya.

Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 merupakan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan kita dalam membuat banner, di dalam Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 ini sudah ada ratusan template yang dapat sobat gunakan dan edit sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita.

System Requirements :

Intel® Pentium® processor 586Mhz or equivalent.
512 MB of memory (RAM).
35 MB of free hard disk space.
SVGA monitor with 256 colors and 800 x 600 pixel resolution.
Microsoft® Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
A Web connection is required for activation.
This product is licensed as a single product for a single system.
Intel® Pentium® processor 586Mhz or equivalent.

Features :

400+ animated and static Background
Banner Rotator
Combine Multiple Banners
Import System Fonts
4000 Symbols
Transparent Output in GIF & PNG
Output in GIF
Output in SWF & HTML
Transparent Output in SWF & HTML
Click Tag

Download Via Ziddu
Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 Setup - (35.64 MB)

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Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 Patch - (501.50 KB)

OS Garuda 2011 | Free OS Made in Indonesia

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Windows, Macintosh, Linux, DOS, OS Chrome merupakan jajaran OS yang sering sobat dengar. Namun pernahkah sobat mendengan tentang Garuda OS? Jika belum, mari kita cek OS buatan anak bangsa ini, OS Garuda 2011 | OS Open Source from Indonesia (Made in Indonesia)...

Seperti yang saya katakan tadi sob, OS Garuda 2011 | OS Open Source from Indonesia (Made in Indonesia) memang OS open source(terbuka) buatan Indonesia. OS ini memiliki fitur yang tidak kalah canggih dengan OS lain seperti microsoft, give applause for Indonesia. Dan OS Garuda ini open source lho sob, alias terbuka atau gratis. OS ini memiliki tampilan desktop modern yang menawan dan sangat user-interface, jadi untuk pengguna Windows pasti akan mudah terbiasa. Oh iya, OS ini mendukung penggunaan dokumen format SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia). OS Garuda juga sangat aman dari gangguan virus komputer, stabilitasnya tinggi dan disertai dukungan bahasa Indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan banyak program dari berbagai kategori. Untuk aplikasi-aplikasi didalamnya, sobat tidak perlu khawatir, karena banyak sekali aplikasi yang mendukun format Windows.

Fitur Utama GARUDA :

Inti (kernel) sistem operasi :
Desktop : KDE 4.6.3
Dukungan driver VGA (Nvidia, ATI, Intel, dll)
Dukungan Wireless untuk berbagai perangkat jaringan
Dukungan perangkat printer lokal ataupun jaringan
Dukungan banyak format populer multimedia (flv, mp4, avi, mov, mpg, mp3, wma, wav, ogg, dll …)
Dukungan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris serta lebih dari 60 bahasa dunia lainnya (Jepang, Arab, Korea, India, Cina, dll…)
Dukungan untuk instalasi berbagai macam program aplikasi dan game (online) berbasis Windows
Dukungan untuk berbagai macam dokumen dari program populer berbasis Windows (seperti Photoshop, CorelDraw, MS Office, AutoCAD, dll)
NEW! Dukungan Font Aksara Indonesia.
NEW! Dukungan ratusan Font Google Web.

Minimum System Requirements :

Processor : Intel Atom; Intel atau AMD sekelas Pentium IV atau lebih
Memory : RAM minimum 512 MB, rekomendasi 1 GB.
Hard disk : minimum 8 GB, rekomendasi 20 GB atau lebih jika ingin menginstal program lain
Video card : nVidia, ATI, Intel, SiS, Matrox, VIA
Sound card : Sound Blaster, kartu AC97 atau HDA

Software-Software Garuda OS :


LibreOffice 3.3 – disertai kumpulan ribuan clipart, kompatibel dengan MS Office dan mendukung format dokumen SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)
Scribus – desktop publishing (pengganti Adobe InDesign, Page Maker)
Dia – diagram / flowchart (pengganti MS Visio)
Planner – manajemen proyek (pengganti MS Project)
GnuCash, KMyMoney – program keuangan (pengganti MYOB, MS Money, Quicken)
Kontact – Personal Information Manager / PIM
Okular, FBReader – universal document viewer

Internet :

Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1, Chromium, Opera – web browser (pengganti Internet Explorer)
Mozilla Thunderbird – program email (pengganti MS Outlook)
FileZilla – upload download / FTP
kTorrent – program bittorrent
DropBox – Online Storage Program (free 2 Gb)
Choqok, Qwit, Twitux, Pino – aplikasi microblogging
Google Earth – penjelajah dunia
Skype – video conference / VOIP
Gyachi, Pidgin – Internet messenger
xChat – program chatting / IRC
Kompozer, Bluefish – web / html editor (pengganti Dreamweaver)
Miro – Internet TV

Multimedia :

GIMP – editor gambar bitmap (pengganti Adobe Photoshop)
Inkscape – editor gambar vektor (pengganti CorelDraw)
Blender – Animasi 3D
Synfig, Pencil – Animasi 2D
XBMC – multimedia studio
kSnapshot – penangkap gambar layar
Digikam – pengelola foto digital
Gwenview – Photo Viewing Client
Amarok – audio player + Internet radio
Kaffeine – video / movie player
TVtime – television viewer
Audacity – audio editor
Cinelerra, Avidemux – video editor

Edukasi :

Matematika – aljabar, geometri, plotter, pecahan
Bahasa – Inggris, Jepang, permainan bahasa
Geografi – atlas dunia, planetarium, kuis
Kimia – tabel periodik
Logika Pemrograman

Administrasi Sistem :

DrakConf – Computer Control Center
Synaptic – Software Package Manager
Samba – Windows sharing file
Team Viewer – remote desktop & online meeting
Bleachbit – pembersih sistem
Back in Time – backup restore sistem

Program Bantu :

Ark – program kompres file (pengganti Winzip, WinRar)
K3b – pembakar CD/DVD (pengganti Nero)
Dolphin – file manager
Cairo Dock – Mac OS menu dock
Compiz Fusion + Emerald
Emulator DOS + Windows

Games :

3D Game Maker
Mahjong, Tetris, Rubik, Billiard, Pinball, BlockOut, Sudoku, Reversi
Solitaire, Heart, Domino, Poker, Backgammon, Chess, Scrabble
Frozen Bubble, Flight Simulator, Tron, Karaoke
City Simulation, Fighter, Doom, Racing, Tremulous FPS
DJL, Play on Linux, Autodownloader – game manager / downloader


Click disini buat download
OS Garuda 2011 (3.62 GB)

Antamedia Bandwidth Manager v1.0.0 With Keygen

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Antamedia Bandwidth Manager (ABM) merupakan software yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pengaturan dan pembatasan akses atau bandwidth pada komputer-komputer client. Software Antamedia Bandwidth Manager ini sangat cocok buat sobat yang memiliki usaha warnet, dan ingin membatasi bandwidth pada setiap komputer di warnetnya.

Antamedia Bandwidth Manager ini bisa dibilang sebagai tool pengganti mikrotik di windows. Memang sih nggak secanggih mikrotik, tapi nggak ada salah nya dong mencoba tool Antamedia Bandwidth Manager ini?? dari pada nggak sama sekali.

From the main panel you can choose one of the options :

Connections : Displays computers and their current status (screenshot below)
Accounts : Configure and create the accounts. These are pairs of IP and MAC addresses that identifies specific computers in your network
Statistics : Shows action log for certain time period
Setup : Administrator options used to configure Bandwidth manager
Logoff : Logoff Bandwidth Manager

Compatible with:
W98, 200X, Windows Server, Windows XP, Vista dan Windows 7.

Di dalam paket download, juga sudah tersedia tutorial cara menggunakan nya, jadi sobat blogger nggak perlu pusing lagi. Tinggal download, instal, dan baca panduan nya.


Note: Matikan Antivirus anda sebelum mejalankan keygen, karena keygen di anggap virus. Kalau anda takut, lebih baik jangan mencobanya. Ok

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Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Setup - (3.07 MB)

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Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Keygen - (162.63 KB)

Iobit Game Booster Premium v2.4 With Serial Number

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Iobit telah mengeluarkan versi terbaru dari Game Booster, yaitu Iobit Game Booster Premium v2.4. Game Booster adalah sebuah software yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan performa sebuah computer seperti computer gaming. Tetapi tidak terbatas bagi PC game saja, bisa juga diaplikasikan untuk computer biasa.

Game Booster memiliki 2 fungsi. Fungsi pertama untuk menonaktifkan sistem aplikasi Windows yang sedang berjalan. Beberapa program baik dari program Windows sendiri yang sedang berjalan terkadang tidak diperlukan oleh pengguna computer.

Fungsi kedua, Game Booster dapat menonaktifkan program yang berjalan secara background atau program yang sebenarnya aktif tetapi tidak terlihat oleh penguna. Seperti software Antivirus yang selalu aktif tetapi penguna computer tidak mengetahui keberadaan program tersebut atau sulit untuk mematikan secara manual.

Game Booster ditujukan untuk anda yang mempunyai hobi bermain game. Dengan software Game Booster, anda dapat menonaktifkan program resident yang ikut berjalan, serta dapat dimatikan sementara waktu oleh software tersebut.

Demikian juga ketika seseorang butuh sebuah computer game tanpa gangguan dari software Antivirus untuk sementara waktu. Maka Game Booster dapat menonaktifkan program antivirus. Hasilnya akan meningkatkan kinerja computer secara relatif untuk waktu sesaat selama program aktif. Kedua dapat meningkatkan space memory untuk diberikan ke aplikasi game, sehingga ruang memory lebih besar.

Game Booster tidak menganggu atau mengacak acak sistem registry Windows. Game Booster dirancang untuk mematikan software yang tidak diperlukan sementara waktu dengan sistemnya sendiri. Dan tidak merusak apa yang ada didalam registry Windows. Karena Game Booster bisa saja mengembalikan apa yang sudah di nonaktifkan kembali dengan sekali click pada menu program. Dan seluruh program akan kembali berjalan seperti semula.

GameBooster adalah software yang dapat digunakan bagi OS Windows 2000, Vista, XP dan Windows 7. Contoh pada gambar dibawah ini, tampilan dari resident program di Windows XP. Banyak sekali aplikasi yang sebenarnyanya tidak terpakai bila seseorang mengunakan PC untuk aplikasi game. Aplikasi tersebut dapat dihentikan untuk sementara waktu oleh software Game Booster.

Key Benefits in Game Booster Premium 2

Play Games Lag-free
Using IObit’s latest “Enhanced 3rd parties’ services detection” technology, Game Booster Premium can automatically detect and close more unnecessary background services, thus more system resources after release will be dedicated to responsive game playing and smooth image displaying. What’s more, after tweaking system settings, you PC can run at it top performance, so is your game.

Fast Game Launching and Response
Game Defrag is another technology in Game Booster Premium that makes game launching faster and game playing more responsive. After defragging the game folder, the game files will be perfected allocated on your disk to allow quickest access and read, so again you are gaming faster!

Keep Your Hardware Drivers Up-to-Date
PC gamers know how important to install new drivers for modern PC games. Game Booster Premium keeps every game’s specialized drivers up-to-date, including drivers for video/sound cards.

Manage and Launch Your Games Easily
Add and manage your games in a small game box and boost the games automatically with Game Booster Premium when launching.

Fine Tune-up Game Settings
Fine-tune mouse, keyboard, and specialized game controllers with ease

Get Useful Tools
Game Booster Premium simplifies and speeds downloading and updating of necessary game software like Ventrilio and Steam, to enjoy better gaming experience.

FREE, Award-winning Customer Support for All Users
Free 24/7 Technical Support and community support.

100% Money-Back Guarantee
When you purchase Advanced SystemCare PRO, your satisfaction is guaranteed. Within 30 days, you can request your money back if our software doesn’t do all that we say it will.

Screenshots :

Note :
Installer software ini beserta serial-nya telah saya uji coba pada tanggal 13 Juni 2011. 100% berhasil dan bekerja dengan baik.

Download Via Ziddu
Iobit Game Booster v2.4 Setup - (4.47 MB)

Download Via Ziddu
Iobit Game Booster v2.4 Serial - (6.02 KB)

Mozilla Firefox 5.0 Beta 6

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Firefox adalah salah satu browser tercepat dengan puluhan fitur baru untuk memberikan pengalaman browsing yang lebih cepat, lebih aman dan disesuaikan untuk semua pengguna web.

Pengalaman Pengguna.
Para perangkat tambahan untuk Firefox memberikan pengalaman browsing yang terbaik di Web. Firefox baru dengan bar cerdas, yang dikenal sebagai "Awesome Bar," sesuai untuk para pengguna web menggunakannya, belajar dari referensi pengguna agar lebih baik sesuai penawaran dari waktu ke waktu.

Firefox berdiri di atas platform Gecko baru yang kuat, sehingga lebih mudah digunakan dengan fitur-fitur private yang lebih banyak, dan lebih aman.

Firefox telah meningkatkan tingkat keamanan. Malware baru dan perlindungan dari web phishing membantu melindungi dari virus, worm, trojan dan spyware untuk menjaga pengguna agar aman saat browsing.

Setiap orang mungkin menggunakan web broswer yang berbeda, dan Firefox memungkinkan pengguna menyesuaikan browser mereka dengan lebih dari 5.000 Add-ons.

Download Via Ziddu
Mozilla Firefox 5.0 Beta 6 - (13.62 MB

DiskMax 4.50

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Pernahkah sobat merasakan komputer sobat menjadi berat dan sering macet atau hang? Sekarang saya punya sebuah software kecil yang sangat simple tapi dapat membuat komputer sobat terasa seperti komputer baru.

Software kali ini yaitu DiskMax 4.50 dengan software ini seluruh History Browser, History Update, Log Files yang tidak terpakai alias berantakan akan terhapus dengan sendirinya sehingga lari komputer kita menjadi semakin cepat dan juga Software ini akan melakukan Defragment Disk yang berguna untuk memperbaiki Hard Disk yang berantakan agar performa menjadi lebih cepat dan pergerakan komputer terasa lebih ringan.

Untuk lebih lengkapnya inilah Fitur-Fitur dari DiskMax 4.50

Automates emptying your recycle bin (if specified), cleaning up of installation remnants, and debugging information.
Cleans up every user's History, Temp, Temporary Internet Files, Cookies (if specified), Recently opened documents list, explorer thumbnail cache and windows error reporting logs.
Clears out Windows cache, unused legacy cursors (on Vista, if specified), debugging info, internet logs, help center caches, repair information, DLL caches, Logs, temporary files and windows update roll-back files.
Cleans up after Vista SP1/SP2 install (if specified).
Removes registry entries for multiple Most Recently Used lists.
Clears out Windows event logs (no other application out there does this).
Gives you the option to deep scan your hard-disk to remove all files of type log, old, prv, chk, swp, bak, gid, wbk, tmp and dmp. This is only intended for advanced users.
Rearranges files around so that they can be accessed faster.


Download Via Ziddu
DiskMax 4.50 - (959 KB)

kumpulan remote2 War Mirc

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Perintah perintah Dasar Mirc

1. Register Channel = /cs register (#channel) (passwd) (desikripsi)
2. Identify Channel = /cs identify (#channel) (passwd)
3. Successor = /cs set (#channel) successor (nickname)
4. Drop Channel = /cs drop (#channel)
5. Ganti Pass Channel = /cs set (#channel) passwd (pass lama) (pass baru)
6. Lupa Pass Channel = /cs sendpass (#channel) (email)
7. Founder Baru (Identify #Channel Dulu) = /cs set (#channel) founder
8. Mailblock = /cs set (#channel) mailblock (on/off)
9. Private = /cs set (#channel) private (on/off)
10. Set Description = /cs set (#channel) desc (deskripsinya)
11. Set Topic = /cs set (#channel) topik (topiknya)
12. Set URL = /cs set (#channel) url (alamat url-nya)
13. Set Mlock = /cs set (#channel) mlock (tulis modenya)
14. Set Restrict = /cs set (#channel) restrict (on/off)
15. Set KeepTopic = /cs set (#channel) keeptopic (on/off)
16. Set TopikLock = /cs set (#channel) topikclock (off/sop/founder)
17. Set Memo Channel = /cs set (#channel) memo (none/aop/sop/founder)
18. Set OP-Guard = /cs set (#channel) opguard (on/off)
19. Add/Del Sop = /cs sop (#channel) (add/del) (nick)
20. Add/Del Aop = /cs aop (#channel) (add/del) (nick)
21. Lihat List Op = /cs (aop/sop) (#channel) list
22. Akick Nick = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (Nick!*@*)
23. Akick Ident = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (*!ident@*)
24. Akick IP Address = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (*!*@IP Addressnya)
25. Akick List = /cs akick (#channel) list
26. Op List = /cs (sop/aop) (#channel) list
27. Lihat Akses = /cs why (#channel) (nick)
28. Unban = /cs unban (#channel) (nick)
29. Invite = /cs invite (#channel) (nick)
30. Info = /cs info (#channel)
31. Access Channel = /cs access (#channel) (nick op)
32. Count = /cs count (#channel)
/prop #chan autovoice on
NickServ :
/raw mode #Kumprungcrewz +lO 1 #admin>>>>>>>>>pindah room lngsng di liatin Ircop wakakkaka...bgus buat remote war...sdikit otak atik
set modelock +rtn-klO
/cs set #chanel mlock +rnt-klO

1. Register Nick = /ns register (password) (email)
2. Identify Nick = /ns identify (password)
3. Ganti Pass = /ns set passwd (passwd lama) (passwd baru)
4. Enforce = /ns set enforce (on/off)
5. Kill Ghost = /ns ghost (nick) (passwd)
6. Kill = /ns set kill (on/off)
7. Recover = /ns recover (nick) (passwd)
8. Release = /ns release (nick) (passwd)
9. Drop = /ns drop (nick)
10. No Op = /ns set noop (on/off)
11. No Memo = /ns set nomemo (on/off)
12. Info = /ns info (nickname)
13. URL = /ns set url (http:// )
14. Ganti Email = /ns set email (password) (emailnya)
15. Showemail = /ns set showemail (on/off)
16. MailBlock = /ns set mailblock (on/off)

MemoServ :

1. Send Nick = /ms send (nickname) (pesan)
2. Send OP = /ms send (#channel) (pesan)
3. Send SOP = /ms sendsop (#channel) (pesan)
4. Lihat Memo = /ms list
5. Baca Memo = /ms read (no. list memo)
6. Hapus Memo = /ms del (no. list memo)
7. Hapus Semua = /ms del all

Perintah Dasar mIRC :

1. Ganti nick = /nick (nick baru)
2. Notice = /notice (nick) (pesan)
3. Masuk Channel = /join (#channel)
4. Keluar Channel = /part (#channel)
5. Keluar IRC = /quit (pesan)
6. Ganti Server = /server (nama server)
7. Private = /query (nick)
8. Invite = /invite (nick) (#channel)
9. Mode I = /mode (nick) +I
10. Ignore = /ignore (nick)
11. Action = /me (pesan)
12. Whois = /whois (nick)
13. Away = /away (pesan)
14. Balik Away = /away
15. Ping = /ping (nick)
16. Bersihkan layar = /clear
/setpass passlama passbaru

Perintah Standar Untuk Op Channel :

/kick (#channel) (nick) = kick user
/topik (#channel) (topiknya) = mengganti topik channel
/kick (#channel) (nick) (alasan) = kick user dengan alasan
/mode (#channel) +b *!*@IPnya = Band IP user, missal /mode #channel +b *!*@202.146.12.*
/mode (#channel) +b nick!*@* = Ban nick user, missal /mode #channel +b nick!*@*
/mode (#channel) +o (nick) = memberikan Op pada user
/mode (#channel) +v (nick) = memberikan voice pada user
/mode (#channel) -o (nick) = menurunkan user agar tidak Op lagi
/mode (#channel) -v (nick) = mengambil voice user
/mode (#channel) +/- ntispklRrmc = set mode channel
/channel = melihat mode dan ban list channel
/part #namachanel pesan kamu
/uprop noop off
/raw uprop noop on
/raw uprop noop off atau /uprop noop off

nah...yg mo gw share disini..remote2 sc war mirc yg pernah gw punya..yah cpa tau ad yg mo RIP y lgi...heee piss lop n gaol

Download disini via 4shared

Trojan Killer

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Trojan Killer | 17.15 Mb
Trojan Killer is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by some standard antivirusscanners.

Trojan Killer scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Killer works in the field of system security to ensure safety for computer systems.

We propose products to help you get rid of annoying adware, malware and other rough tools. It is very important to restore control on your computer as soon as possible and do not allow anyone to use your data.

Additional Tools :

• Reset Internet Explorer Home/Start/Search Page Settings
Some Malware programs make changes to the Internet Explorer Home, Start and Search Page settings in order to re-direct the web browser to different websites.

This Utility will reset the Home/Start/Search pages to standard Defaults. You can then manually reset your Home Page to your website of choice (or leave it "blank", the default).

• Reset HOSTS file
The Windows HOSTS file is a text file which stores website addresses. The file can be used to speed up access to websites you visit often - by equating the website name (e.g. with its DNS address, the web browser can find the website more quickly as it does not have to query a DNS Name Server.

Some Malware programs add entries to this file, to either deny access to websites (usually security-related or antivirus company websites), or to re-direct access to websites of their choosing.

• Reset Windows Update Policies
Some Malware programs attempt to prevent Windows Update from running, and inhibit access to resetting Windows Update by blanking out the Windows Update options on the Update configuration screen.

This Utility will check the current Windows Update settings and correct them where necessary.

Download Via Mediafire
Password Mediafire :

Rar Password Unlocker

2 komentar

Rar Password Unlocker | 2.76 Mb
RAR Password Unlocker 3.0 is to easily and safely recover the password for RAR archives for you to open and extract the files in the archive. It supports RAR files of all versions created using WinRAR. The best in it is it’s not only easy to use but powerful in functions! It is super easy to use that even a new user can fully control it in less than a minute. It is far different from other similar programs with multiple functions integrated in one.

This is a little tool solely for recovering RAR passwords. With simple interfaces and clear instructions to guide you through the whole process of using it, you are fully easy to use it. Additionally, the manipulation is simple too. With 3 simple steps to enter full path of the RAR archive, select an attack type and start the processing will help you start the program to recover the password. Both integrated User Manual and online guide are available for you to refer to if run into any problems while using it.

The program is powerful in functions, too. It can not only recover simple passwords in no time but is able to recover long passwords with a speed over 220,000 passwords per second! The dictionary attack makes it customizable for users to solve their specific problems with a specific solution! This is rarely available and is the highlight of it, for you can create a dictionary file according to the password features to let it base on!

The program also makes it possible for you to define a password mask, which is a set of password traces, for the program to reduce the calculation load, increase the recovering speed and save time. It also allows you to set the computer CPU priority to increase the performance, which is also with a goal to save time.

Furthermore, the application comes with the possibility to resume the processing from the last session whenever it is stopped accidently.

Here are some key features of "Rar Password Unlocker":
· Recover long passwords
· Support all versions of RAR archives
· Easy to use with less than a minute to get familiar with the program
· Powerful with three attack modes
· Allowed to offer password clues to the program to reduce the calculation, time-saving
· Customizable for users can define a dictionary for the program to base on
· Allowed to set the computer CPU priority
· Auto-save the project every after a period of time
· Support to resume the processing project if the process is accidentally stopped last time
· Allowed to shutdown computer after the processing finishes

· Pentium II 300 or higher CPU
· 64MB of RAM
· 10MB free hard disk space

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Password Mediafire :

Norton Ghost 15.0 + Recovery Disc

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Norton Ghost 15.0 + Recovery Disc | 312 Mb
Norton Ghost is a robust and professional-grade backup solution for both home users and small businesses. With Norton Ghost, lost or damaged files can be recovered and restored in the event of a system failure, even if the computer's operating system does not start.

It also allows backup of an entire system or specificfiles and folders while saving recovery points to offsite locations using FTP. Norton Ghost is also flexible, allowing users to decide when to back up their system, either on a schedule or based on an event.

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Password Mediafire :

TeraCopy Pro 2.12 + Serial

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TeraCopy Pro 2.12 + Serial | 1.76 Mb

TeraCopy Pro - tool improves the process of copying files, by the assurance of the developer makes it so (koprovanie) an order of magnitude faster by using an additional buffer. This copying process can be put on pause and then resume. Also there is the function of control copy, if not possible to read a file you can try again, utility is integrated into Windows Explorer.

TeraCopy Pro utility designed to copy / move files faster and more secure. Can resume broken file transfers.

TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features:

- Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.

- Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.

- Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skips the file, not terminating the entire transfer.

- Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.

- Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.

- Full Unicode support.

- Windows 7 x64 support.

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Hyperdesk - Disney It's a Magical World

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Hyperdesk - Disney It's a Magical World | 89.16 Mb
Disney’s It’s a Magical World™ Now you and your entire family can celebrate the magical world of Disney, with these 7 in 1 enchanting Windows XP desktop themes. Bring your favorite Disney characters into your house and onto your Windows XP desktop.

The Skins Factory’s artistic graphic wizards have created the world’s first official Disney Desktop for Windows. Included with the themes is all the software you need to apply the 7 multi-colored hyperthemes, 29 icons, wallpapers & Windows Media Player video skin.

The Mickey Mouse Yahoo! audio widget remote for iTunes & Windows Media Player 11 is also included, but you will need to download the free application, Yahoo! Widgets to use the audio remote.

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IDM Optimizer (Memaksimalkan Kinerja IDM)

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IDM Optimizer (Memaksimalkan Kinerja IDM) | 302 Kb
IDM Optimizer adalah sebuah tools kecil yang sangat berguna untuk memaksimalkan kinerja Internet Download Manager (IDM). Dengan menggunakan IDM Optimizer anda akan mendapatkan kecepatan yang maksimal dalam men-download file di internet.
Cara Menggunakan IDM Optimizer:

Install terlebih dahulu IDM pada komputer anda
Matikan icon tray Internet Download manager
Jalankan IDM Optimizer lalu pilih Maximum untuk mengoptimalkan IDM
Restart IDM untuk melihat hasil

Restore Default berfungsi untuk mengembalikan setting awal IDM
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Spy Emergency 8.0.305 + Keygen

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Spy Emergency 8.0.305 + Keygen | 7.65 Mb
Spy Emergency is an anti-spyware software that fast and secure removes spyware and other internet infections from your computer. Spy Emergency protects you against spyware, adware, malware, homepage hijackers, remote administration tools, dialers, keyloggers, and many other types of internet infections.

Spy Emergency supports resident shields for real-time protection and automatic infections database updates for better protection. Secure Your Ideas with Spy Emergency! Spy Emergency is a security application that protects your PC from spyware, malware and adware.

Here are some key features of Spy Emergency :
* Built-in proactive resident shield protection with dynamic heuristic engine that can even detect new and unknown Internet threats
* Lowlevel Anti-rootkit Protection
* Site Identity Verifier
* Extended behavioral heuristic scanning
* Support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers
* Scan of your system memory
* Scan of your registry
* Scan of your storage
* Built-in anti-spam
* System directory storage scan
* Tracking cookies scan
* Host file scan
* Hijackers scan
* Heuristic malware detection

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G DATA TotalCare 2011

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G DATA TotalCare 2011 | 159.42 Mb
A new era is beginning: For the first time, the usual optimum high security from G Data TotalCare is completely undetectable. Self learning fingerprinting and whitelisting accelerate the test winning protection so that PC performance remains completely unaffected.

G DATA TotalCare offers you the most complete protection with the help of the powerful integrated antivirus, firewall, internet security, antispam and antiphishing filters as well as several useful data management tools.

Here are some key features of G DATA TotalCare :
* Constant optimum virus detection

* For many years the quickest response time to new viruses

* The latest methods for detecting unknown viruses (behaviour blocking, heuristics, cloud security)

Simple user guidance ideal for beginners:
* With new one click user interfaces everything at a glance

* Automatically carries out all protection functions undetected in the background

* Silent firewall without annoying querying

* Computer Memory: 512 MB

* Internet Connection

What s New in This Release:
* Up to 5 times faster, thanks to new DoubleScan technology including Fingerprinting and ParallelScan

* Behaviour monitoring detects typical malware

* New silent firewall and HTTP scan: Fast surfi ng without interruption or any delay for the first time

* Old security software automatically uninstalled

* Brand new, fast backup and recovery

* Improved security tuning closes Windows holes

* New intuitive user guidance.

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Panda Antivirus PRO 2011 v.10.0.00 Multilingual

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Lebih dari sebuah Antivirus sederhana! Panda baru Antivirus Pro 2011 menawarkan perlindungan paling mudah dan intuitif untuk komputer Anda. Instal dan lupa tentang virus, spyware, kit akar, hacker dan penipuan online. Chat, berbagi foto dan video, melakukan belanja online dan perbankan, membaca blog favorit Anda atau menelusuri web dengan total kedamaian pikiran dan tanpa interupsi. Berkat teknologi Intelijen Kolektif, produk ini lebih aman, CEPAT dan lebih lengkap dari sebelumnya.
Install Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 dan lupa tentang virus, spyware dan hacker.

Fitur utama:
-New! Multimedia / Gaming Mode
-New! Home Network Manager
-Plus! Browser Aman (sandboxing)

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Sunbelt Vipre Antivirus Premium 4.0.3904 + Keygen

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Sunbelt Vipre Antivirus Premium 4.0.3904 + Keygen | 21.61 Mb

Finally an Antivirus Program That Won't Slow Down Your PC!
VIPRE Antivirus Premium is high-performance antivirus + antispyware software with an integrated firewall. It doesn't slow down your PC like other antivirus products. The press loves it, and VIPRE has been VB100 and ICSA certified, which means you get world-class anti-malware protection.

Tired of that old (free) antivirus program that makes your PC slow down to a crawl? Interrupting what you are doing with slow scan times, causing problems and nagging you? Time for a change to next-generation antivirus with a firewall that IS NOT a resource hog. Kiss your antivirus bloatware goodbye!

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Microsoft Office 2010 PRO Plus ACTIVATED

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Microsoft Office 2010 (also called Office 2010 and Office 14) is a productivity suite for Microsoft Windows, and the successor to Microsoft Office 2007. Office 2010 includes extended file format support, user interface updates, and a changed user experience. A 64-bit version of Office 2010 is available, although not for Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. On April 15, 2010, Office 2010 was released to manufacturing. The suite became available for retail and online purchase on June 15, 2010. Office 2010 is the first version to require product activation for volume license editions. Office 2010 marks the debut of free online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, which work in the web browsers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but not Opera. Office Starter 2010, a new edition of Office, replaced the low-end home productivity software, Microsoft Works. Microsoft's update to its mobile productivity suite, Office Mobile 2010, will also be released for Windows Phones running Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone 7. In Office 2010, every application features the ribbon, including Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, InfoPath, SharePoint Workspace (previously known as Groove), and the new Office Web Apps

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Password Recovery Bundle 1.70

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sebagian dari kalian pasti sering lupa tentang password dalam komputer anda, mulai dari web browser, FTP client, e-mail client, dll. mungkin karena akunnya jarang jarang dibuka jadi lupa deh. kalo memang anda memiliki masalah demikian anda musti coba ni software.
karena software ini di rancang untuk memulihkan semua password anda yang hilang atau lupa dengan cara yang sangat mudah, jadi jangan sampe lupa lagi ya.
untuk lebih jelasnya langsung aja Download dilink berikut

Jangan memasang software ini jika bukan komputer pribadi anda karena kalau ada masalah bukan saya yang nanggung oke...harit sorang wal ae

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WindowBlinds 2011 Terbaru 7.2 Full Version incl Crack

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WindowBlinds adalah utilitas perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan Anda untuk benar-benar mengubah tampilan dan nuansa dari Microsoft Windows. WindowBlinds mendukung hampir semua versi Windows termasuk Windows 7/Vista (32 dan 64-bit) dan Windows XP SP2 maupun SP3 versi 32-bit, WindowBlinds bekerja dengan menerapkan gaya visual baru, juga disebut skin, di seluruh user interface ( start menu yaitu, bingkai jendela, title bar, menu, tombol, taskbar, scroll bar,… ) dari sistem operasi. Sebagai hasilnya, Anda dapat mengontrol penuh tampilan Windows anda.
Dengan WindowBlinds Anda dapat memodifikasi tampilan OS windows Anda dengan mengubah warna, menambahkan tekstur, wallpaper, mengubah font, mengatur transparansi atau blur dan Membuat, mengedit dan menerapkan tekstur. Gunakan UIS0 untuk menerapkan tekstur untuk gaya Windows Aero visual. Live skin preview dan transparansi. Selain itu, Anda dapat men-download ribuan gaya visual dari Dengan penambahan SkinStudio terpisah, Anda dapat membuat skin Anda sendiri untuk digunakan dengan WindowBlinds.

Free Download WindowBlinds 7.2 Trial
Free Download WindowBlinds 7.2 Crack


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deep freeze sebuah software untuk melindungi system anda dari data2 yang tidak diinginkan.

saya ambil sebuah contoh, jika deep freeze itu adalah sebuah bola yang tertutup rapat dengan file2 penting anda di dalamnya, maka ketika ada file yang tidak anda inginkan (virus, atau orang iseng yang sengaja menghapus file system anda) file itu berada di luar "bola" deepfreeze, maka ketika reboot (restart maksudnya.. ^_^) "bola" itu akan bersih lagi dari file2 yang ada di luar kulit "bola", jadi komputer anda terjamin dari serbuan virus atau hal2 yang tidak diinginkan

jika anda ingin memasukkan data ke dalamnya yang bersifat permanen (misal mau ngepatch atau update antivirus) silahkan dibuka dulu deep freeze nya, masukkan datanya, tutup lagi deep freezenya, memang agak merepotkan, namun komputer anda cukup terjaga dari serbuan jahat dari luar (termasuk saya... ^_^)

kayaknya itu dulu, kalo mau tahu lebih banyak silahkan googling yah... ^_^ harit sorang

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PHP Designer 7.2.2

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PHP Designer 7.2.2 | 23.97 Mb
PHP Designer is an excellent PHP Development IDE for Windows with built in real-time PHP syntax error checking as you code and code completion actions. PHP Designer has the ability to to integrate with Tortoise SVN, MySQL and PHPMyAdmin.

PHP Designer has a built in FTP client and project managment functionality and has drop down menus to select commonly typed PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS code. With PHP Designer, you can quickly write, run, test and debug anything from simple procedural to complex OOP (Object Orientated Programming) styles of programming.

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WinPatrol Plus 2010

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WinPatrol Plus 2010 | 5.51 Mb
WinPatrol allows you to control the installation of malicious programs on your computer. The program monitors important system areas (area load, system folders, register), which usually vary malicious programs.

Through the program, you can stop the process and disable / enable starup program. The program also allows you to control cookies, delete them based on keyword.

WinPatrol monitors and deletes the operating system, various modules and malicious spyware programs such as Adware and Spyware, finds and neutralize some types of viruses, Trojans, viruses, and auto programs that threaten the confidentiality of computerized information.
WinPatrol monitors changes in the browser and does not allow the installation of the various bars and spyware modules. Of course, it does not protect your computer is completely different from the attack.

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Driver Checker 2.7.4 Datecode 20100921

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Driver Checker 2.7.4 Datecode 20100921 | 7.31 Mb
New Manage Your Windows Drivers with Ease.Driver Checker allows you to easily detect and update the latest drivers for your entire hardware devices.

It can also back up the existing drivers and restore the drivers in case that you needed to reinstall or upgrade your operating system.

Driver Checker provides an easy-to-use interface through which only a few clicks can make your jobs completely done with ease.

Key Features and Benefits of Driver Checker:
- Starightfoward and intuitive interface
- Better PC performance and improved stability
- Access to the largest drivers database in the industry
- Continous updates for the latest manufacturer drivers
- Submit the unavailable drivers updated in next version
- Unlimited technical supports with our 24x7 technicians
- Automatically update and maintain these drivers: Printer Drivers, USB Drivers, Sound/Audio Drivers, Vista Drivers, Bluetooth Drivers, Mouse Drivers, Keyboard Drivers, RAID Drivers, Scanner Drivers, Video Drivers, Modem Drivers, Network Drivers, Linksys Drivers, Webcam Drivers, Graphic Drivers, VGA Drivers & Other Windows Drivers!

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VMware Workstation 7.1.2 Build 301548 + Keygen

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VMware Workstation 7.1.2 Build 301548 + Keygen | 568 Mb
VMware Workstation - The program is designed for workstations, enables a computer to emulate a standalone working environment of the operating system and work with him as with the conventional system. Using this method you can install different operating systems and applications for them, go online and engage in daily tasks, but with somewhat slower speeds.

The benefit of this method is the ability to test various software under various operating systems, without adversely harm the current system, installed on my main computer, as well as some test hardware solutions. It can make life easier for developers to significantly cross-platform applications and lovers to work with the new OS.

VMware Player - a software only to run virtual machines ready (created in VMware Workstation, or VMware Server). VMware Player also works with virtual machines created by GSX Server and applications, ESX Server, Microsoft VirtualPC and Symantec LiveState Recovery. Free solution with a limited, compared to VMware Workstation, functional.

VMware VIX API - a library for writing scripts and programs under Dev. The following support systems and programming languages. More information you will find information in your doc, which is installed with the program. Supports Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and above, Linux (kernel 2.4.x and above). Supports programs written in C, Perl, Visual Basic, VBscript, C #.

VMware ACE Administration Server - enables IT-administrators to centrally monitor and manage thousands of VMware ACE desktops and followed standard policies from a single console.

Using this component you can manage access rights and security policies, centrally applied to the workstations, through the mechanism of VRM (Virtual Rights Management) to secure access to virtual environments from anywhere, to control the connection of devices to virtual machines (USB-devices, printers, or CD / DVD-drives), to manage policies obsolete virtual machines, which can be activated at a certain time.

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Full Speed 3.3 Pro Booster

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Full Speed 3.3 Pro Booster | 7.84 Mb
Dramatically speed up your existing Internet broadband connection by 800 % and get the best performance possible from your current Internet access.

Free Internet speed test software included. Full Speed will increase your online Internet speed with everything you do: faster downloads, web browsing, data, e-mail, P2P and gaming.

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Xbox 360 Emulator 3.0

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Xbox 360 Emulator 3.0 | 12.34 Mb

This little MOD Emulates no-xinput controllers so they function like Xbox360 controller on PC.
So , You Can Use your Ps2 Controllers On Xbox Controllers Games.

XBOX 360 Controller emulator v3.0 for PC games using XINPUT.
This program will add more controller support for Games for Windows.

Tested with Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 and Logitech G25 Racing Wheel.
Tested with the following PC Games
Juiced 2: HIN
MotoGP 08
The Club
Kane and Lynch
Sega Rally
Bionic Commando
SpiderMan Web of Shadows
Unreal Tournament 3
Fallout 3
Flatout 2 Ultimate Carnage
and the new
Lord of the Rings Conquest
Mirror's Edge (with some mapping bugs)

It is not working with
Gears of War
007 Quantum of Solace

The xinput dll can go by several names, you can rename the dll to those below till you find one that works

GTAIV uses xinput9_1_0.dll
GTAIV v1.1 info:
Use included dinput8.dll

Look at included xbox360cemu.ini for config help

Extract xinput1_3.dll, xbox360cemu.ini file to the game exe directory.
Rename DLL if needed
Extract dinput8.dll file to the game exe directory if you want to hide your controller from the game.

Delete xbox360cemu.ini, xinput1_3.dll file.

When the game starts you should hear a beep from your PC speaker.
If you do not have a PC speaker you may not hear the beep, but it will still work.

Play the game as normal.
Major improvements to Force Feedback (with default settings)
Added Fade In/Out for Force Feedback vibration
Added Spring Effect for Force Feedback Wheels
Added Inertia Effect for Force Feedback Wheels
Added UseAutoPad variable (automatically make any pad PAD1 after detecting movement)
Added UseInitBeep variable
Added lots of new Force Feedback options
Added ability to map slider to Left/Right trigger
Added ability to map buttons to Analog axis
Added Non-Linear adjustments to Analog axis
Added new comments to included ini file
Added hotkey F9 to reload config file and reinit
Fixed bug with non Force Feedback controller detection
Fixed bug with swapped Left/Right trigger
Fixed more DLL exit bugs?
Fixed a slider axis map bug?
Small changes to XInput Test Utility

More Imrovements to Force Feedback (removed a start flag)
DLL now exits properly
Higher axis Resolution

Added support for 4 controllers PAD1 to PAD4
Improved Force Feedback Support (INFINITE effect time)
Added ForceFeedbackStrength variable (default 100, use 0-999)
Added Index variable for controller index (use -1 for disable)
Added Crysis WARHEAD support (added packetnumber)
Added Test Utility (uses xinput1_3.dll)
Added variable SteeringWheel (this will fix force feedback effects for wheels)
Added ability to disable an axis (set axis to 7)

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Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection

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Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection | 3.41 Gb
Jika salah satu dari aplikasi grafis Adobe, misalnya Photoshop, kita ibaratkan sekotak krayon, maka CS3 Master Collection adalah sebuah laci dengan krayon, marker, kuas dan pensil yang masing-masing tersedia dalam ratusan warna.

Aplikasi suite dari Adobe menghadirkan beberapa aplikasi grafis pilihan dalam satu paket. Seperti misalnya Creative Suite 3 Production, Creative Suite 3 Design dan Creative Suite 3 Web, baik versi standar maupun premium.

Tetapi pada Creative Suite 3 Master Collection, Anda mendapatkan semuanya. Terdapat 17 aplikasi didalamnya, sebut saja mulai dari Acrobat 8 Pro, After Effects CS3 Pro, Bridge CS3, Contribute CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, Fireworks CS3, Flash CS3 Pro, Illustrator CS3, InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3 Extended, Premiere Pro CS3 dengan Encore CS3 dan OnLocation, Soundbooth CS3, dan tidak ketinggalan Ultra CS3.

Adobe Master Collection telah menyertakan versi paling baru dari Photoshop, yaitu Photoshop CS3 Extended yang sudah terintegrasi dengan video-editing tool dan Illustrator untuk manipulasi vector.

Aplikasi lain akan menjawab kebutuhan apapun dalam dunia grafis dan publishing, seperti InDesign yang akan menangani layout pracetak, Acrobat yang akan menangani interaktif profesional, dan gerombolan Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash dan Encore yang akan menemani webmaster untuk mewujudkan sebuah web paling mutakhir yang pernah ada.

Premiere dan After Effects akan menangani edit video. Berbeda dengan Premiere versi sebelumnya, pada versi terbaru ini Premiere dapat berjalan pada Mac dan Ultra berdampingan dengan chromakey-nya.

Masih banyak lainnya: Soundbooth yang menangani edit audio dan OnLocation dalam edisi repackage yang didalamnya terdapat DVRack yang lebih ringan akan membantu videografer mengambil shoot baik di studio maupun di luar ruangan.

Terdapat juga Version Cue sebagai file version manager dan Bridge sebagai pusat kendali konten. Sementara jika Anda berada dalam tim besar yang didalamnya terdapat grafis desainer, video-maker, audio-editor, marketing, dan tim-tim lainnya, Anda dapat melakukan konferensi pada halaman yang sama dengan Acrobat Connect Web.

Sementara Device Central akan menjawab kebutuhan konten perangkat mobile yang akhir-akhir ini sedang booming. Dengan Device Central, seorang grafis desainer dapat menampilkan desain yang ia buat pada layar perangkat mobile yang library-nya disediakan Device Central. Dan seri-seri gadget yang tersedia sangat update mengikuti peredaran gadget terkini.

Sedangkan tambahan yang melegakan adalah teknologi Dynamic Link yang memungkinkan seorang video-editor dapat berpindah dari Premiere, After Effects dan Encore tanpa meninggalkan proses editing yang sedang berlangsung. Sebagai informasi tambahan, versi CS3 dari Premiere, Soundbooth, Encore dan OnLocation dalam tambahannya untuk dapat memanfaatkan Dynamic Link membutuhkan Mac dengan prosesor Intel.

Sementara aplikasi lainnya dapat berjalan baik pada PowerPC. Tapi perlu diperhatikan, Master Collection tidak memasukkan Lightroom didalamnya. Lightroom adalah aplikasi untuk mengelola photo-library yang lebih luas.

Untuk kebanyakan pengguna, Adobe CS3 Master Collection akan menjadi ‘senjata desain’ paling mematikan yang melengkapi penggunanya dengan senjata apapun yang dibutuh untuk medan perang apapun. Apalagi jika membandingkan harga satuan dari masing-masing aplikasi dengan harga Master Collection, tentu saja sebuah perusahaan atau pengguna profesional individual akan menghemat anggaran belanja software desain mereka.

Sayangnya, senjata mematikan ini lisensinya berbasis suite. Jadi Anda tidak dapat membeli dan mendistribusikan aplikasinya dalam workgroup, divisi, atau dalam studio. Sementara hal ini tampaknya adalah cara paling efisien untuk memanfaatkan suatu aplikasi suite sekelas Master Collection.

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